Sefer Torah

Sefer Torah

Many understand that there is a huge significance to being deeply bound to a ספר תורה. The Mishna Berurah writes that on...
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Donating in General to the Yeshiva

If you wish to make a tzedaka donation in general, and NOT toward a specific program, please click here to donate. Your...
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28% Donated/$35,500 To Go
This project, unique to the Yeshiva world, builds significant personal strengths in participating students. After a year, they will receive a formal...
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Dormitory Building

100% Donated/$0 To Go
Baruch Hashem, the yeshiva is growing. In 5774 we embarked on plans to build a dormitory for the bochurim. The first floor...
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Parnas Hayom

Sponsor the yeshiva for the day, including all of the learning, Rebbaim and staff salaries, food, etc. and acquire all of the...
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In Memory

Make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one.
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New Yeshiva Building

86% Donated/$36,300 To Go
One square Amah. One place, your place. On this place sits a Yeshiva bochur. He is your guest, on your place. Acquire...
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New Beis Midrash (Study Hall)

100% Donated/$0 To Go
The yeshiva moved into our new Beis Midrash on Rosh Chodesh Elul 5775, and has lifted the yeshiva’s atmosphere and energy to...
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“Essen Teg”

In Europe, many Yeshivas did not have the money to feed the Bochrim. The community was too poor to offer financial support....
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Torah Scholarship Program

13% Donated/$250,000 To Go
How would you like to learn full time in a yeshiva, reaching greater heights in iyun and bekieus, enjoying Tosfos, Rashba, Ritva, Rabbi...
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