In order to provide the ideal growth environment for the students, fine Avrechim (Married, full time Torah students) are sponsored by the Yeshiva. These Avrechim learn together with the younger students so that they can provide guidance and positive role models.
The traditional style of learning focuses on creating a sense of order from all the texts learned and empowering the student to reach an understanding of the reasoning behind the different Halachic opinions. The Yeshiva also emphasizes to the students a importance of Mussar studies and character development.
We pride ourselves on giving each talmid a strong connection with at least one of the Rebbies, and usually with all of the Rebbies; all of this in order to build a strong and stable mindset of a love for Torah and perseverance in the students that will, G-d willing, stay with them for life.
Yeshiva Building Campaign
Thank you to all of our friends who helped make our new yeshiva building a reality! B”H, the yeshiva moved into our new facility on Rosh Chodesh Elul 5775, and has lifted the yeshiva’s atmosphere and energy to new heights.
Many sponsorships are still available – please click here to learn more.
Dormitory Building Campaign
Baruch Hashem, the yeshiva is growing, and as a result, our need for our own dormitory has also grown. The yeshiva has embarked on building steel framed dormitories adjacent to the new Yeshiva Building which will be completed, IY”H, before Elul.
Many sponsorship opportunities are available – please click here to learn more.
As a relatively young yeshiva, these projects are actually building the yeshiva and taking it to the next level.
Imagine the zechus of the first builders of Lakewood, Mir, and Ponevezh.
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