Many understand that there is a huge significance to being deeply bound to a ספר תורה. The Mishna Berurah writes that on Yom Kippur we blow שופר at the bimah to evoke the zechus haTorah. Let us imagine how many zechusim we can receive by participating in the dedication of this ספר תורה to a yeshiva where the Kol Torah resounds day and night. This merit will be yours.
Sponsorships for פרשיות and כלים are as follows:
Gold: ₪1,800. You get מפטיר on the שבת of the פרשה of your choice along with a מי שברך. You can send a שליח or supply names for a מי שברך.
Silver: ₪1,000 You get an עליה on the שבת of the פרשה of your choice along with a מי שברך. You can send a שליח or supply names for a מי שברך.
Bronze: ₪500 for a מי שברך on the שבת of the פרשה of your choice.
Yad – ₪2,000
Sefer Torah Cover – ₪5,000
Keser Torah – ₪10,000
Bimah ₪35,000
Aron Hakodesh ₪ 70,000
Of course any donation is appreciated.