Baruch Hashem, the yeshiva is growing. In 5774 we embarked on plans to build a dormitory for the bochurim. The first floor was completed in Elul 5778 and 45 bochurim now live in the dorm, adjacent to the beis midrash and dining hall.
We aim now to build a second floor to house another 50 bochurim. We currently have 20 living in an apartment for which we pay rent and want to eliminate the rent and move the bochurim into dorms so they can be next to the yeshiva. We also expect 30 new bochurim in Elul.
In Tammuz, we raised the funds, Baruch Hashem, to build two floors onto the dorm. However, of course, we can also use additional funding and dedications are still available.
Dormitory Dedication: $250,000
Dormitory Room: $10,000